Stramatel, the state of the art supplier for Adidas Arena’s video solutions

The Adidas Arena has become the reference for sporting events and shows in Paris. It will host the 2024 Summer Olympics and will be Paris Basketball’s sports hall. This brand new arena is equipped with video solutions from Stramatel, who played a key role in getting the installation geared up and ready to go. Let’s go right to the heart of the Adidas Arena to discover its fascinating details.
Video LED solutions offering a wonderful immersive experience
Stramatel has designed a set of video LED solutions for the Adidas Arena, headlined by a video Cube hanging above the court. With a total surface of 82 M2, this LED video cube is the main element of the arena, providing the game’s score with multiple customised templates and broadcasting advertisements and animations before, during and after the game. This video tool provides an unforgettable experience for the spectators, adding an immersive dimension to each event.
In addition to the video cube, Stramatel has installed an upper perimeter video screen surrounding the arena, providing a WOW effect which is fundamental to any arena. These media supports frequently broadcast scores and names of teams, reinforcing the electric atmosphere of the competition. Moreover, the giant indoor and outdoor screens of the arena broadcast advertisements and information surrounding the game, offering an unrivalled visibility in the sector. The Dynamic LEDs are also video formats installed directly on the basketball hoops’ structure behind the backboard.
A video broadcasting software signed by Stramatel
In order to use this equipment to its full potential, Stramatel has introduced the SL Video System, a software developped internally to manage all its media and animations broadcasted on the previously mentionned video installations. This revolutionnary system enables the user to customize templates with the team’s colours, providing a rich and creative way to show the score, the time, the name of the players, etc… The SL video system is a breakthrough in the sports events sector, capable of managing diverse media including the perimeter video screens installed on the parquet.
Traditionnal Scoreboards, still a must-have in the sector
Even though the Adidas Arena has modern video equipment, the electronic scoreboards remain essential, complying with the european and french basketball requirements of basketball competition. Stramatel has placed two 452 ML 3123-123 (16 players) scoreboards on each side of the Adidas Arena, answering perfectly to FIBA and FFBB norms. These electronic scoreboards, which can be seen at more than a 160 meters, gives crucial information to the table officials (OTM) during each game, including the name of the teams, the time, the score, time-outs, the period, the name of the players, the jersey’s number, the points scored, the individual and team fouls as well as possession time.
The Adidas Arena Project and Stramatel
The Adidas Arena is a huge project, brilliantly carried out by Stramatel’s team. From the conception to the realisation, the commercial team, the research unit, the production and after sales team all worked together to solve the challenges of the project. The end result confirms Stramatel’s expertise in the layout of big sports venues in terms of scoring, with other previous realisations such as the Kindarena of Rouen, the LDLC Arena and the Futuroscope Arena.
The Adidas Arena also offers an unprecedented visibility surrounding the 2024 Olympics in Paris, and we are proud to contribute in these major and extraordinary events.