Stramatel takes off to Uzbekistan and displays the score for the 2024 Futsal World Cup

Stramatel provides video scoring equipment for Futsal World Cup venues in Uzbekistan

For the 2024 Futsal World Cup, the Futsal Federation of the host country has entrusted Stramatel with displaying match scores. 24 teams will compete across Uzbekistan to win the world champion title. The competition will begin on Saturday, September 14, and end on October 6.

During the competition, matches will be shared among 3 venues:

  • Humo Arena, Tashkent
  • Andijan Universal Sports Complex
  • Bukhara Universal Sports Complex

The Futsal World Cup adds to Stramatel’s experience in major competitions

Stramatel has been tasked with score display in all 3 venues. As a European expert in sports display, we perfectly meet these requirements by providing video scoring equipment adapted to futsal. Here are the types of products we have installed in each of the Uzbek arenas:

In addition, we have created scoring visuals to be displayed on the video screens. In accordance with the competition’s graphic charter, the design has been adapted to combine scoring information with visual aesthetics. Thanks to the customization offered by the SL Video System, the competition’s identity has been graphically transcribed onto the score display models. This is an asset that allows for major immersion in the match and the competition atmosphereStramatel fournit le matériel de scoring vidéo dans les salles de la coupe du monde de Futsal en Ouzbékistan

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