Portable scoreboards
Portable electronic scoreboards
The table top scoreboards from STRAMATEL are entire and compact scoring systems running on 20 hours autonomy batteries.
These scoreboards are equipped with retractable control console at the rear and can be supplied with wireless handheld control console.
Ergonomic, light, easy to carry and store, the “Top” electronic scoreboards are made in France according to an eco-design approach to minimize the power consumption and transportation impact.
The products
Multitop scoreboard with shot clocks integrated
- Portable scoreboard
- Built-in retractable control console
TAE-TOP Taekwondo scoreboard
- Portable scoreboard
- Built-in retractable control console
KB-TOP Kick-boxing Scoreboard
- Portable scoreboard
- Built-in retractable control console
H-TOP Weighlifting scoreboard
- Portable scoreboard
- Built-in retractable control console
Multisport Scoring control console
- Smartphone or tablet operated solution
- 16 hours autonomy in battery operation
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